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Customer Testimonials

"After having repeated issues from a computer virus, I took my Dell to Durango Computer Repair. I thought I had cleared the issue, little did I know that my computer had been hacked. Tyler found the file used to hack into my system quickly, reformatted my hardrive and restored my computer to a better then before state. I can't tell you how happy I am to have saved my computer and all of my programs."
- Bernadette Dickinson Arboles, CO

"I took my laptop to PCS a couple of times and they replaced my hard drive. It cost me over $400 to repair. The laptop has never been the same. My CD drive wasn't loaded properly and my pictures weren't recovered. When Tyler worked on it, he researched my model and found out that there was an issue with that model destroying hard drives. He repaired it for less then I expected, loaded Linux instead of Windows and I haven't had an issue with it in months. Durango Computer Repair is the only place I will take my computers."
- Brindi Jackson Durango, CO

"We have no TV and were streaming shows on Hulu with little luck. Durango Computer Repair came and setup a Media Server, reconfigured our network and taught us how to use our new system. Tyler the service tech took extra steps to secure our network as well."
-Walt Avillanoza Ignacio, CO

"Durango Computer Repair is my go to for all my computer needs. I've used the data backup service and saved years of files when I bought a new Mac. Any questions I need answered about my system are always answered quickly and in a way I can understand."
-Dan Mosley Durango, CO

"Tyler does it all! He has fixed everything from an old Atari to Stereo equipment and flat screen TV's for us at Dunn Deal Resale. His fast and friendly service and fair prices have always been much appreciated through the years. He recently fixed an annoying iTunes issue we were having here at Dunn Deal. It was a quick fix for him but was causing me many headaches and in less than half hour he had it fixed. He has also repaired computers to great working order for us to resale with confidence. We would strongly recommend his work to any of our customers and to you!"
-Dunn Deal Resale Durango, CO

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Mobile/Onsite Service in Durango, CO and the Four Corners (970)403-5455